Jaguars of the Pantanal Tour 2023 Trip Report

For our annual jaguars of the pantanal photo tour, we visited the northern and southern Pantanal of western Brazil. Get a guest’s perspective from the same trip here! The Pantanal is the world’s largest wetland and the best place to see jaguars in the wild. We saw a total of fifteen different jaguars for the duration of the tour, including watching a jaguar mother carry her two month old kittens across a river! Read the rest of our jaguars of the Pantanal photo tour 2023 trip report to get all the details!

Jaguar female, named Ti, on riverbank during our jaguars of the Pantanal Photo Tour 2023
Jaguar female, named Ti, on riverbank during our jaguars of the Pantanal Photo Tour 2023

Highlights of the 2023 Jaguars of the Pantanal Photo Tour

Jaguar: In total, we photographed fifteen different jaguars, during twenty-two different sightings, both from boats and from vehicles. Sightings averaged thirty minutes, at an average distance of twenty meters. For our closest encounter, we had the jaguar at just five meters!

Jaguar female in the southern Pantanal, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar female in the southern Pantanal, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.

Giant Anteater: In the southern Pantanal we saw four different giant anteaters, including a mother carrying her young on her back!

Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) in cerrado in the southern Pantanal, Brazil, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) in cerrado in the southern Pantanal, Brazil, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.

Maned Wolf: We got super lucky and had a thirty minute sighting of a maned wolf as it was hunting in the cerrado habitat in the southern Pantanal.

Maned Wolf, Pantanal, Brazil, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Maned Wolf, Pantanal, Brazil, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.

Birds: We saw a total of over 100 species of birds in the Pantanal during our tour, including Hyacinth macaws, Jabiru storks, jacamars, kingfishers, great potoo, black simmers, greater rhea, amongst others!

Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus), Pantanal, Brazil, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus), Pantanal, Brazil, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.

Detailed Jaguar Trip Summary 2023

Day 1: We jumped on a Caravan for a quick hour-long flight from Cuiabá to Porto Jofre, where we settled in (did some quick birding next to the lodge, of course), and prepared for our first afternoon by the river. Sebastian gave a quick primer on the Northern Pantanal region, and what to expect while searching for jaguars. 

Jaguar female, named Guarací, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar female, named Guarací, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar female, Patricia and one of her six month old cubs (that we got to name!), during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar female, Patricia and one of her six month old cubs (that we got to name!), during our jaguar photo tour 2023.

Day 3: On our way upriver to a cow carcass, we found some Azar’s Capuchin Monkeys in the trees. Once we arrived at the carcass, we found Alyra resting on the bank just above it. We anchored the boat, and waited for about two hours (after the rest of the boats had left) and were rewarded with a view of her walking down a log and feeding on the carcass.

Jaguar female, Alyra, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar female, Alyra, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.

Day 4: We were the first boat on the river, and the morning was cool and misty. It was a beautiful sunrise, with flocks of snail kits overhead. Regina spotted howlers in the trees, and we had a nice view of a Jabiru standing in its nest. 

Jaguar female, stalking, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar female, stalking, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar female, named Ti, on riverbank during our jaguars of the Pantanal Photo Tour 2023
Jaguar female, named Ti, on riverbank during our jaguars of the Pantanal Photo Tour 2023
Jaguar male, named Juru, hunting by swimming, during our jaguars of the Pantanal Photo Tour 2023
Jaguar male, named Juru, hunting by swimming, during our jaguars of the Pantanal Photo Tour 2023
Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) in cerrado in the southern Pantanal, Brazil, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) in cerrado in the southern Pantanal, Brazil, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar juvenile female, named Jaci, trying to hunt a caiman, southern Pantanal, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar juvenile female, named Jaci, trying to hunt a caiman, southern Pantanal, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar mother and close to fully grown cub, southern Pantanal, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar mother and close to fully grown cub, southern Pantanal, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar female, named Aracy, southern Pantanal, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar female, named Aracy, southern Pantanal, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.

Jaguars of the Pantanal Photo Tour 2023 Species List


Giant AnteaterMyrmecophaga tridactyla
Nine-banded ArmadilloDasypus novemcinctus
Six-banded ArmadilloEuphractus sexcinctus
Long-nosed BatLeptonycteris yerbabuenae
Red-bellied BatLasiurus borealis
Azara’s Capuchin Monkey Sapajus cay
Black Howler MonkeyAlouatta caraya
Crab-eating FoxCerdocyon thous
Maned WolfChrysocyon brachyurus
JaguarPanthera onca
Giant River OtterPteronura brasiliensis
White-lipped PeccaryTayassu pecari
Marsh DeerRucervus duvaucelii
Red Brocket DeerMazama americana
Gray Brocket DeerMazama gouazoubira
Pampas DeerOzotoceros bezoarticus
Brazilian PorcupineCoendou prehensilis
CapybaraHydrochoerus hydrochaeris
Azara’s AgoutiDasyprocta azarae


Greater RheaRhea americana
Undulated TinamouCrypturellus undulatus
Southern ScreamerChauna torquata
White-faced Whistling DuckDendrocygna viduata
Black-Bellied Whistling DuckDendrocygna autumnalis
Muscovy DuckCarina moschata
Chaco ChachalacaOrtalis canicollis
Blue-throated Piping GuanPipile cumanensis
Bare-faced CurassowCrax fasciolata
Picazuro PigeonPatagioenas picazuro
White-tipped DoveLeptotila verreauxi
Guira Cuckoo Guira guira
Smooth-billed AniCrotophaga ani
Squirrel CuckooPiaya cayana
Nacunda NighthawkChordeiles nacunda
Band-tailed NighthawkNyctiprogne leucopyga
Common PauraqueNyctidromus albicollis
Great PotooNyctibius grandis
Common PotooNyctibius griseus
Gilded HummingbirdHylocharis chrysura
Gray-cowled Wood RailAramides cajaneus
LimpkinAramus guarauna
Black-necked StiltHimantopus mexicanus
Pied LapwingVanellus cayanus
Southern LapwingVanellus chilensis
Collared PloverCharadrius collaris
Wattled JacanaJacana jacana
Yellow-billed TernSternula superciliaris
Large-billed TernPhaetusa simplex
Black SkimmerRynchops niger
Maguari StorkCiconia maguari
JabiruJabiru mycteria
Wood Stork Mycteria americana
AnhingaAnhinga anhinga
Neotropic CormorantPhalacrocorax brasilianus
Rufescent Tiger-HeronTigrisoma lineatum
Cocoi HeronArdea cocoi
Great EgretAndrea alba
Snowy EgretEgretta thula
Cattle EgretBubulcus ibis
Striated HeronButorides striata
Whistling HeronSyrigma sibilatrix
Capped HeronPilherodius pileatus
Black-crowned Night HeronNycticorax nycticorax
Boat-billed HeronCochlearius cochlearius
Green IbisMesembrinibis cayennensis
Bare-faced IbisPhimosus infuscatus
Plumbeous IbisTheristicus caerulescens
Buff-necked IbisTheristicus caudatus
Roseate SpoonbillPlatalea ajaja
Black VultureCoragyps atratus
Lesser Yellow-headed VultureCathartes burrovianus
OspreyPandion haliaetus
Black-collared HawkBusarellus nigricollis
Snail KiteRostrahamus sociabilis
Crane HawkGeranospiza caerulescens
Savanna HawkButeogallus meridionalis
Great Black HawkButeogallus urubitinga
Roadside HawkRupornis magnirostris
Short-tailed HawkButeo brachyurus
Ringed KingfisherMegaceryle torquata
Amazon KingfisherChloroceryle amazona
Green KingfisherChloroceryle americana
Chaco PuffbirdNystalus maculatus striatipectus
Black-fronted NunbirdMonasa nigrifrons
Toco ToucanRamphastos toco
White WoodpeckerMelanerpes candidus
Crimson-crested WoodpeckerCampephilus melanoleucos
Pale-crested WoodpeckerCeleus lugubris
Lineated WoodpeckerDryocopus lineatus
Campo FlickerColaptes campestris
Red-legged SeriemaCariama cristata
Laughing FalconHerpetotheres cachinnans
Crested CaracaraCaracara plancus
Monk ParakeetMyiopsitta monachus
Yellow-chevroned ParakeetBrotogeris chiriiri
Scaly-headed ParrotPionus maximiliani
Yellow-faced ParrotAlipiopsitta xanthops
Turquoise-fronted ParrotAmazona aestiva
Orange-winged ParrotAmazona amazonica
Hyacinth MacawAnodorhynchus hyacinthinus
Peach-fronted ParakeetEupsittula aurea
Nanday ParakeetAratinga nenday
Yellow-collared MacawPrimolius auricollis
Blue-and-yellow MacawAra ararauana
Red-billed ScythebillCampylorhamphus trochilirostris
Narrow-billed WoodcreeperLepidocolaptes angustirostris
Pale-legged HorneroFurnarius leucopus
Rufous HorneroFurnarius rufus
Rufous CacholotePseudoseisura unirufa
Vermilion FlycatcherPyrocephalus obscurus
White-rumped MonjitaXomis velatus
Cattle TyrantMachetornis rixosa
Lesser KiskadeePitangus lictor
Great KiskadeePitangus sulphuratus
White-throated KingbirdTyrannus albogularis
Tropical KingbirdTyrannus melancholicus
Purplish JayCyanocorax cyanomelas
Plush-crested JayCyanocorax chrysops
Black-capped DonacobiusDonacobius atricapilla
Southern Rough-winged SwallowStelgidopteryx ruficollis
Gray-breasted MartinProgne chalybea
White-winged SwallowTachycineta albiventer
Crested OropendolaPsarocolius decumanus
Solitary Black CaciqueCacicus solitarius
Yellow-rumped CaciqueCacicus cela
Yellow-billed CardinalParoaria capitata
Silver-beaked TanagerRamphocelus carbo
Jaguar male, southern Pantanal, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.
Jaguar male, southern Pantanal, during our jaguar photo tour 2023.