LION (Panthera leo)
The lion is unique to cats in that it is social, forming prides comprised of multiple generations and genders. Working as a team, lions are able to take down prey like buffalo, zebra, and in some cases even elephants. Though we only think of Africa when we think of lions, they are also found in India. These lions are called Asiatic lions, for which we are planning a tour in the future.
Difficulty: Easy
Lion Description
The manes of male lions shows off their fitness to females, intimidates other males, and protects them during fights
Lion Distribution and Habitat
Palm islands are common in the Okavango Delta, one of the locations we look for lions during our big cats of Africa tour
Lion Feeding Biology
The lions of the okavango delta have successfully taken down giraffes in the past, an unforgettable sight to see
Lion Social Organization
Prides are generally made of related females and their cubs, and are protected by males
Lion Reproduction
At four months old, this lion cub has been enjoying the comfort and security of pride life for over two months.