Manul of Mongolia Photo Tour 2023 Trip Report

For our second manul photo tour, we visited eastern Mongolia for a total of ten days. This beautiful, undisturbed country once again delivered with its incredible wildlife. We saw a total of sixteen different manul (also known as pallas’s cat) for the duration of the tour. Absolutely incredible! Read the rest of our manul of Mongolia photo tour 2023 trip report to see what else we saw.

Two manul kittens playing near their underground den during our manul photo tour in 2023.
Two manul kittens playing near their underground den during our manul photo tour in 2023.

Highlights of the 2023 Manul Photo Tour

Manul: We photographed sixteen different manul in the steppes of eastern Mongolia. This included mothers and kittens. Sightings averaged sixty minutes per cat, at an avg distance of fifteen yards. Our best sighting were three kittens hunting just a few meters away.

Two manul kittens waiting for mom during our manul of Mongolia photo tour in 2023
Two manul kittens waiting for mom during our manul of Mongolia photo tour in 2023

Corsac Fox: Though we saw way fewer corsac foxes than last year, but we were still happy with the eight we saw this year.

Corsac Fox (Vulpes corsac) running in eastern Mongolia
Corsac Fox (Vulpes corsac) running in eastern Mongolia

Steppe Eagle: We found the nest site of a Steppe Eagle, which was incredible to see. Though we stayed back from the nest, we observed the parents flying near it quite a lot.

Steppe eagle taking flight from rocks during our manul of Mongolia photo tour in 2023
Steppe eagle taking flight from rocks during our manul of Mongolia photo tour in 2023

Detailed Trip Summary 2023

Day 1: Everyone landed in Ulaanbaatar, the capitol of Mongolia, where we settled into the hotel for the night, after a fun dinner out. 

Day 2: The nine-hour drive to eastern Mongolia was a bit more eventful than it should have been, as the rental SUV overheated (this was a nightmare to deal with for the next two months — never rent from Sixt in Mongolia). We limped into camp, keeping a close eye on the engine heat indicator, and immediately arranged an alternative SUV from a friend. I write this here publicly, because again, my advise would be to find a rental vehicle from a different company if you plan on going there by yourself.

The drive to eastern Mongolia, though long, is beautiful as you drive through uninterrupted steppe, dotted with herds of horses, sheep, and goats. It is completely freeing driving through that landscape. Despite our engine problems making our journey more difficult, we saw a large herd of Mongolian gazelle (the largest we have seen to date) and even saw our first manul close to camp!

As usual, we loved coming to camp, which is made up of six traditional gers (yurts). Seeing the same staff made for happy, re-uniting hugs and conversations. After our delicious Mongolian dinner, we went to bed, ready for the morning.

Day 3-8: Days would start at 5:00am in time to find wildlife in good photography light, at sunrise. The first few mornings we focused on finding steppe wildlife that were not manul, like corsac fox, gazelle, saker falcons, steppe eagles, and little owls. We were successful not only in finding all of them, but had nice photo opportunities with all of them. 

Steppe eagle flying low over the grass during our tour in eastern Mongolia
Steppe eagle flying low over the grass during our tour in eastern Mongolia

Mornings five through eight, as well as every afternoon session was solely focused on spending quality time observing and photographing manul. This was a particularly good year for kittens and we saw five different litters during the tour. We spent most of our time with a litter of three kittens that were a bit older, around eight weeks old. During our time with the cats, we observed kittens at their den, playing and waiting for mom, we watched kittens hunting voles successfully at eight weeks old, and even saw mom moving dens with her kittens at one point. My personal highlight for sure was spending time with the hunting manul kittens. Observing their deadly hunting techniques while so cautiously moving through the short vegetation was so fun. Most hunts we watched were successful, which was incredible to see! Below are some photos of all the manul highlights from the trip. 

Eight-week-old manul kitten licking Its lips after feeding on a vole during our manul photo tour in 2023.
Eight-week-old manul kitten licking Its lips after feeding on a vole during our manul photo tour in 2023.
Eight-week-old manul kitten on rock, waiting for mom to come back to the den during our manul photo tour in 2023.
Eight-week-old manul kitten on rock, waiting for mom to come back to the den during our manul photo tour in 2023.
Six-week-old manul kittens playing on rock at denduring our manul photo tour in 2023.
Six-week-old manul kittens playing on rock at denduring our manul photo tour in 2023.
Eight-week-old manul kitten with vole prey during our manul photo tour in 2023.
Eight-week-old manul kitten with vole prey during our manul photo tour in 2023.
Eight-week-old manul kitten wet after some morning rain during our manul photo tour in 2023. They are so darn cute!
Eight-week-old manul kitten wet after some morning rain during our manul photo tour in 2023. They are so darn cute!

Day 9: We departed for Ulaanbaatar at sunrise, looking for wildlife along the way. We saw some demoiselle cranes, as well as other wildlife we had seen before, but the highlight for sure was seeing a Eurasian Badger run across the road!

With an early afternoon arrival, everyone enjoyed the comforts of the hotel before meeting up for a final celebratory dinner.

Day 10: Everyone flew out from Ulaanbaatar airport.

Manul Photo Tour 2023 Species List


Mongolian GazelleProcapra gutturosa
ManulOtocolobus manul
Corsac FoxVulpes corsac
Eurasian BadgerMeles meles
Tolai Hare Lepus tolai
Mongolian HamsterAllocricetulus curtatus
Brandt’s VoleLasiopodomys brandtii


Demoiselle CraneAnthropoides virgo
Cinereous VultureAegypius monachus
Steppe EagleAquila nipalensis
Little OwlAthene noctua
Eurasian HoopoeUpupa epops
Eurasian KestrelFalco tinnunculus
Saker FalconFalco cherrug
Eurasian Tree SparrowPasser montanus
Manul of Mongolia Photo Tour 2023 Trip Report
A six-week-old manul kitten practicing its stalking during our manul photo tour in 2022.